Marco Di Marco ci ha lasciati stanotte all'improvviso, per cause naturali, senza soffrire.
Era un uomo forte, nel corpo e nell'anima, umano, disponibile, caloroso e divertente ma quello che più colpiva era il senso di sicurezza che sapeva infondere a chi gli stava vicino.
Ogni volta che una persona così se ne va lascia vuoto, dolore, rimpianti e progetti che non si realizzaranno mai.
Agli amici e ai cari vanno le sentite condoglianze di tutta la produzione di 2 di Picche.
Ci piace ricordarlo sempre sul set con noi. Marco vivrà per sempre in "Nato il 31 Febbraio" e in "2 di Picche".
Di comune accordo il regista e il creatore della serie hanno deciso che dedicheranno il lavoro alla menoria di Marco Di Marco. Ciao Marco, già ci manchi!
Marco Di Marco passed away.
We must sadly announce, with great sorrow, the passing of one of the actors of "2 of Spades".
Marco Di Marco passed away suddenly last night, due natural causes, without suffering.
He was a strong man in body and soul, human, helpful, warm and fun, but what most impressed of him was the sense of security that could instill in those around him.
Each time a person goes so leave it blank, pain, regrets and projects that will never been realized.
Marco Di Marco passed away suddenly last night, due natural causes, without suffering.
He was a strong man in body and soul, human, helpful, warm and fun, but what most impressed of him was the sense of security that could instill in those around him.
Each time a person goes so leave it blank, pain, regrets and projects that will never been realized.
The condolences to the entire production of 2 of Spades goes to friends and loved ones.
We always like to remember him on set with us. Marco will live forever in "Born February 31" and in "2 of Spades".
By common consent, the director and creator of the series have decided to dedicate the work in memory of Marco Di Marco. Bye Marco, we miss you already!
We always like to remember him on set with us. Marco will live forever in "Born February 31" and in "2 of Spades".
By common consent, the director and creator of the series have decided to dedicate the work in memory of Marco Di Marco. Bye Marco, we miss you already!
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